Malta Radio Stations offers you wide range of most popular Maltese Radio Stations and music country wide. We collected top 25 best stations you might enjoy for free with just internet connection.
We also offer wide range of new features such as sleep timer, create your own favorite stations list, add your own stations, similar radio apps suggestion and many more.
Listed bellow are available stations. If your favorite station is not included, you can email us and let us know, or just use + button from the radio list page...
Radio 101
ONE Radio
Radio Maria
Magic Malta 91.7
Radio Malta 93.7
Bastjanizi 95 FM
RTK Radio 103FM
Bay Radio 89.7
Bay Easy
Bay Retro
Vibe FM 88.7
Cool Med Radio
XFM 100.2
ONE Radio - KISS
Radju Luminaria
Energy Web Radio
Energy Rock Channel
All Rock Radio
Comedy Rock Radio
Radio Albatro
Calypso Ten 18 Radio
Radju Prekursur
Radio Galaxy 105
Galaxy 105 - Retro
BKR Radio
Radju Hompesch